Me: If there are three yellow beads and two red beads, how many beads are there all together?
Laine: Caterpillar!
Also, I am developing a new theory. The brain maturation and skeletal development that occurs in toddlers and preschoolers demands a huge amount of vitamin D. Therefore, children of this age are compelled to strip naked in order to maximize their production of said vitamin. Or they are allergic to clothes.
Said naked preschool started fussing today for me to turn off my beloved attic fan because he was cold. I chortled maniacally and told him through a hormone-induced sweat that he could put some clothes on.
In other news, the Lingle's have a new assignment. We will be moving to Asheville in July! Luke has been appointed as the pastor of evangelism at Central UMC, Asheville. Come by and I will tell you the whole story, but suffice it to say, this has been a rather stressful spring. I am pretty sure even my closest friend are starting to hit "ignore." I am tired of hearing myself pontificate over the whole process.
Anyway...the ministry is amazing (more on that later), the city is cooler than I am, and apparently I am going to have to move all my junk once again. If you come within thirty feet of my door I will immediately fill your car or arms or your pockets with wonderful things I have been moving around like empty picture frames.
I am exhausted by the emotional process. I have grieved the loss of this new family and am utterly sad about leaving my beautiful home, but I know that God is
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